Here you can find the list of softwares, packages or plug-ins which which are better to be installed before attending the summer school.

Requirements for the Activity 1

Platform for Situated Intelligence (PSI)

Download and install it from the following link.
PSI github page

Requirements for the Activity 2

Download and install “Unity 2018.2.16f1” from the following link.
Unity 2018.2.16f1

Also check the following introduction articles about Unity.
Article 1
Article 2

Requirements for the Activity 3

Download and install “Unity 2018.2.16f1” from the following link.
Unity 2018.2.16f1

Also check Mixamo characters and animations from the following website.

Requirements for the Activity 4

Download and install “Jupyter notebook” on your machine. The easiest way to install Jupyter notebook is through Anaconda. You can find the installation guide in the following webpage.
Jupyter notebook

Requirements for the Activity 5

Nothing more than being on time at the PMIL.

Requirements for the Activity 6

Furhat Robotics will send out instructions how to download their SDK via email. So please check your emails and follow their instructions. If you have any technical issues contact Furhat Robotics simply by replying to their emails so they can resolve them beforehand.